

E-Mail You will receive a confirmation of your registration and information about changes, if necessary.
POP-ID (If you don't have any POP-ID, you will receive one at the tournament.)
Date of Birth This is needed to determine your age group.
Origin Where do you come from?

By submitting this form you are pre-registering for this event. If you have pre-registered and anything prevents you from coming please cancel your pre-registration by using the contact form.

If the maximum attendance number is reached, you will be placed on the waiting list. Cancelled pre-registrations will filled up with persons from the waiting list. The people who entered the waiting list first, will also be the first to move to the pre-registration-list, when a slot becomes free.

Please note: Persons who have not cancelled their pre-registration but still fail to show up may possibly be not be allowed to pre-register for future events of that kind.

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