
About the Tournament

The Westfalen-Challenge is a tournament of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It is larger than "regular" tournaments. (More players, more space). We believe, the available space may suffice for about 50-60 participants and we hope that most of these places will be filled!

Location of this event is the "Bürgersaal Hörde" in Dortmund. We're having a special page on how to get there.


Westfalen-Challenge 3 - Modified
22nd of April 2007, Registration starts 10:00 AM, Tournament begins 11.00 AM.
Bürgersaal hörde, Hörder Bahnhofstr. 16, Dortmund-Hörde
Admission is 5 Euro.
Other noteworthy things?
You have to submit a deck list at the tournament. (Please read more about deck lists on the page about rules)
Turnier Organizer?
Marcos Marin-Galiano
Head Judge?
Marcos Marin-Galiano
Other Judges?
Fabian Wiebe, Bernd Draheim
Maximum number of participants?


The winner of each age group (Masters, Seniors, Juniors) will be awarded a nice price cup. Furthermore we'll have some medals for the Top players. Of course, there will be lots of cards and boosters (Similar to the Dortmund City Championships, but with the better players getting a slightly bigger share). Still, there might be some other surprise. So it's worthwile in any case to take part!

Sponsors and Supporters

Such a large event can't be hold without support from other people. That's why we want to thank the following sponsors for their support:

Auenland For years, the Auenland has given the Pokémon-players of Dortmund (and surroundings) the room and opportunity to improve their place. Also we were allowed to hold a lot of regular tournaments, there.
Amigo-Spiele Since the beginning, Amigo-Spiele has been responsible for the Pokemon Trading Card Game in germany. Without their support, we never could have made such tournaments and we'd also have a large problem rewarding the players with prices.

Of course, we always are interested in more sponsors. So, if you would like to support this event (by giving refreshments, additional prices or in any other way), please contact us via the main contact page.

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